Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Taking the road less travelled by and eating that frog in the woods…

Brian Tracy and Robert Frost are two people who have made me think a lot more than most of my text books and (with no disrespect meant) my professors. I follow their words and have a three point agenda for most things in life:

- Follow your heart, no matter how scary the road looks
- No matter how big or ugly the frog, eat it right away. You don’t care for it once its eaten!
- Keep your pond clear of frogs, and pave way for others to follow your taken path

The reason I got thinking was that what if I walked down the road, the road not taken into the woods and came across the two ugliest frogs ever? What would I do if there are not many who have been there before, and the frogs to eat are giving each other competition on hideousness! And that’s when I realized that I am on that road less travelled by, and standing next to the pond full of frogs, each jumping higher up with every subsequent jump.

It’s quite easy to say that you catch all the frogs right away so that the frogs are no longer your cause of concern; and you tread the woods in such a way that it paves way for many more to pursuit your foot steps. Making time lines, action plans, resolutions, and so on is again, easy to do on paper. How does one end this pursuit… towards the end of the narrow road, towards achieving the improbable dream?

I also recognize that most people have apprehensions about facing life. The “what if something goes wrong” syndrome! Well, you don’t risk something, you risk losing everything you ever had! So even if one fails, have the courage to stand up, and look ahead. Don’t do the same thing again and look around. Ask for help and analysis. Try something new- follow your heart.

And slowly, but surely I realize that the answer is as tough as the question. I’ve analysed and strategize all the time trying to fall in line with the wisdom of the two experts listed above; and every time I attempt a disregard of their advice, the truth of their words reflects back on my life. And what it has done is given me the will and power to not be afraid. Not get scared, no matter the situation. Rather than praying for moving the mountain, I seek strength to climb it.

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