Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let the fire in each one of us burn...

On November 26, 2008, we lost. And we lost badly. To a bunch of kids who ideally would be in college, learning more about balance sheets or Newton's Law of Motion, rather than doing what they did in Mumbai and to the world. No matter how much we talk about our spirit, our lives, unity, harmony, anger, passion, and resilience, the fact is that these 20-something boys who came in rubber dinghys won. They defeated a billion and counting Indians without as much as flinching an eye lid. And they would all look at doing the same, all over again.

Well, they won. Because they achieved everything they set out for. And more! They have given our politicians reasons for politics, scared us and whilst we talk about camaraderie in times of grief, we actually let our ego rule it all. Recall, when asked "what are your demands?" the terrorists smiled and said "we have no demands"… when one of the hostages at Nariman House asked the reason for their anger the terrorist gave arbitrary answers, ranging from Babri Masjid to Godhra and Iraq War. Arbitrary, yes, as the real reason was a simple one: scare each Indian so much that before stepping out of their house they think eight times, would I be coming back?

Yes, the courage and character shown by some to help us all rise is tremendous; but the overall state of affairs is that the terrorists (those with guns and those asking for votes) ultimately get along doing what they want!

Sample the following:

- Pakistani media taunts Indian army, calling our brave soldiers stupid; claiming that Indians unite only when there is word against Pakistan, and that 26/11 is a conspiracy by the Indians to tarnish their neighbors. http://www.hotklix.com/?ref=content/152704
(Err…no…Indians unite on many things. Cricket, movies, Olympic medal hopes, looking for visas to go abroad…. On a serious note: we don’t unite against Pakistan, but are united to fight terror and terrorists trained & brought up by Pakistan. My only point is: we have ample proof to point fingers at Pakistan. If you’re innocent, why so touchy, eh? Why the guilty conscience? Its not very far when your home bred terrorists will start eliminating you guys. That for me, would be fodder for another round of blog and ramble! )

Narendra Modi announces a Rupees One Crore reward to be distributed amongst the slain cops' families, even before the ordeal was over and done with! The Maharasthra Government announces a five lacs reward. With all possible sarcasm- GREAT JOB, Mr. MODI!
(But how does the slap across the face feel when Mrs. Karkare turned you down? And while you're at it, how did a shrewd man like yourself mess this up so bad? Conference at Oberoi, announcement whilst Operation Cyclone was on… you must be feeling pretty embarrassed, eh?! How can you announce a reward for the dead before the ordeal is over? Is it pity money? Shameful! Disgraceful!)

- RR Patil says "bade shehron mein choti choti batein hoti rehti hain” (small incidents like this happen in big cities ordinarily) thereby scripting his own obituary and attracting the wrath of a billion Indians; The Maharashtra CM Vilasrao Deshmukh thinks it's a wonderful idea to impart life sciences lessons to his film-star kids and their producer/director friends whilst visiting Taj on an official state visit; The Government sacks the Home Minister Shivraj Patil and tells the voters 'see, we are punishing the incompetent fool in-house too'

(Well, Patil clearly worships ShahRukh Khan’s Raj in Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge. I understand DDLJ is still running at Maratha Mandir. I'm sure Patil would go see it again a few times, and learn a few more clever gaffes, maybe even call some lady politicians Senorita! Clearly, there was a note within the Maharasthtra ministry offices that it’s the "Bring- your- child- to- office- day", hence Mr. Deshmukh took his kids & buddies to Taj. And OH SERIOUSLY! Shivraj Patil was useless. But would sacking him (implying his incompetency) make us look up say someone else would have prevented this tragedy? We dont even review intellgence reports!)

Some idiots thought it's a very smart comment to make "oh now that the elite in 7star hotels are affected the whole of India wants to spring into action" thereby making this a fight of the masses and the classes! Strongly urge for us to not take the Hindu-Muslim or the Rich-Poor shield as a point of divide and argument!

You get an sms appealing you to wear a black shirt to show support to Mumbai, you get another one saying wear a white trouser. Then one asking you to wear a red bandana. And the list of this goes on. Why? Because everyone cares, and everyone wants to show-off (not show support, but show-off) about how noble they are; This is perhaps the greatest achievement of the terrorists. They have managed to make sure that we can’t even unite for a strong show of solidarity, rather we'll make small noises claiming regret, shared aims and cohesion. But no, we cant freeze on ONE DATE ONE CAUSE ONE METHODOLOGY to show harmony!

We are happy to see Mr. Unnikrishnan give it back to the politicians trying to act weird about his martyr son Sandeep, but don't have the guts to make a Sandeep within our family! We easily talk about another Netaji and Bhagat Singh, but don't do much to encourage the young one at home!

They've caused mass havoc and most importantly, they have managed to instill fear in all of our hearts and minds. A fear that would perhaps never die down. Fear of losing our lives, families, identity, everything. And worst of it all, our politicians have gotten a chance through all this to make it look like a joke; obviously this has become an election moot point.

Muslims talk about a backlash; Hindus talk about a betrayal; Christians talk about being subdued being a minority. Oh SHUT UP! Dont you guys see its NOT a religious battle? Don't you guys see the terrorists want you to use religion as a dividing point? So MOVE THE F*&% ON!

(For clarification, I don't suggest for once that our soldiers failed when I say that the terrorists won. Our soldiers succeeded in what they set out to do-eliminate the scumbags. But we as a society, have failed and failed miserably, as we allowed the terrorists to achieve their target as well)

And we lost because we don't want to bother learning from this! Not one bit! We will keep our egos in place; we will blame our politicians yet not do anything about it; we will let our politicians make a mockery of us and the legal system; we will go on talking yet not unite in action. And, we will keep our doors open to terrorists to come in and destroy us or train our children inside and make them terrorists, because we are simply too busy to give a damn!

Let the fire burn. From the penthouses of Cuffe Parade Mumbai to the colleges in Park Street Kolkata. From the projects in Nehru Palace Delhi to the IT parks of Hosur Road Bangalore. From the backwaters of Kerala to the tea gardens of Assam……
Let the fires rage. Let it burn to bring each and everyone to ash then let the waters rise and submerge this whole, rat-infested place. If this is what it would take for us to give a damn, SO F^@*!?ING BE IT!

Thank you, Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte, Vijay Salaskar, Shashank Shinde, Sandeep Unnikrishnan, Hawaldar Chandar, Gajendra Singh, for protecting us until your last breathe; thank you, all you other heroes in uniform - many of you whose name even is hidden from the world- who put your lives and health on the line to see us smile; thank you, the brave staffs at CST, Cama Hospital, Taj, Oberoi Trident, and Leopold Café who stayed calm in this gravest hour to give hope to billions of Indians to rise above it all and respect humanity. Thank you, to all the families, for having honor and guts to take on the political bigwigs in your saddest moments. Thanks Ryan...you made every Xaverian very proud!!

Thank you firefighters, NSG, Mumbai Police, Army, Navy, RAF and all you soldiers for protecting us, letting us sleep every night. Thank you, all of you, for taking one on the chin and opening our eyes in the process. Thanks!

Thank you, Mumbai, for accepting once that it's time to get into some action rather than hanging on to the age old spirit of resilience and bouncing back. All of us are with you, and yes, its not just time to get back on our feet, but use our feet to kick some @$$. God bless Mumbai and God bless India!


Yamini said...
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Yamini said...

couldn't agree more.
